Communications Guru
Communications Guru
Communications Guru
Communications Guru
Communications Guru Communications Guru

Cherie Hovany, your communications guru, has over 20 years of experience assisting businesses with their marketing communications, interactive media, public relations, media relations and training needs.

As your communications guru, Cherie Hovany brings continuity to your business that inspires as well as communicates. Her thorough analysis and synthesis of ideas can help you:
  • Define the essence of your marketing goals,
  • Enhance your business image,
  • Promote your products and services to your internal and external audiences,
  • Develop training programs that meet your learning objectives.
Along with her extensive professional experience, Cherie Hovany holds a degree in Multi-Media Communications, where she combined undergraduate and graduate level courses in a variety of communication disciplines. Add to that her project management expertise, and you have a wealth of knowledge and experience that can effectively help you reach your target audience.

Communications Guru Communications Guru
Communications Guru
Communications Guru Communications Guru
Communications Guru
Contact: Cherie Hovany
©2009 Communications Guru
Communications Guru